So... I registered for the online tickets again and tried to get proper tickets for the Tuesday but they were all sold out in 25 mins, so stupidly I thought "I'll try again in the evening" - forgetting that in the evening, they are for the next day! So I ended up with a spare and had to hunt around for someone to take it off my hands (a pal from beat our very own Wayn to it :awww: )
So... off we headed to the Park and Ride... and I seriously have the directional sense of a mole in daylight, and the world and his wife was out in force so the traffic was hideous. My mate had queued in the morning... and she got in BEFORE us!!!!
Anyway... we picked up our tickets (thank you, nice friend!); quick hotdog (the curiously named Dutchees!!! yeah, I don't know why either!) and then and off we trotted to find out seats... not bad ones in the Debenture bit so quite a few people were off boozing and cruising in the marquees and a few irritating people trying to sound knowledgeable (waffling about hitting to the outside court... either he means he has a useless aim and hits the ball OUT of the court, or is hitting to his opponents Ad court... who knows... sure as hell HE didn't!)
2pm rolled around... and ... out came... well... Sergeant Pepper?

When he first came out... I honestly thought he'd borrowed Serena's rain-mac (which I noticed she still had!)... so I was just cracking up when I got home on Monday and saw it up close. Seriously Roger... bad, VERY BAD!
Even more hilarious... was the waistcoat... I do wonder if all the guys in the locker room are all "yeah mate... you look great" and as soon as he leaves to walk on court, they all roll around in fits!
The waistcoat...
Oh the waistcoat!

And this is just for Tashi:

The match... was pretty routine. I don't think anyone thought Lu would be able to stay with Roger, much less break him, but when he couldn't consolidate, you had the feeling that he really was playing at his full level... and that he just wouldn't be able to keep that intensity up.
There were some awesome rallies - Lu plays a lot like Murray - a counter puncher (but not as quick) but I think this was actually a good test for Roger. I wouldn't go as far as to say he was rusty - but the fact that Lu held his own in that first set was pretty damn impressive, and of course he had to draw that amazing swipe around the net from Roger at one stage.
As mehhhh as I am towards Fed for his sniping and his general foppy haired girliness... it is amazing to watch the fluid ease in which he hits his shots. I may not like him much these days... but it is a privelege to watch him when he is on top of his game. You see how he really brought the men's game back to one of skill and angles instead of yawnsome big serving.
Lu did himself proud I think.
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