JJ and THAT dress. That is one yellow dress but at least we were spared that frillapalooza jacket of Wimbledon!

Marat appeared in the guest boxes and was chatting to Sneki – jesus that man is HOT!

And our canary...

Oh – yeah – the game!
I was only going to be able to see the first set – and JJ started it well.
Her serve – the service action itself is the same as it’s always been – but she really does seem to be going for cheap points a lot more than she EVER did – a lot of good placement on her first and sometimes her second serves – ok maybe the odd powder puff serve crept in every now and again… but she really does seem to have focused on that.

Kanepi seemed very heavy footed in the first set – sure she whips up a shed load of pace when she can – but she was sure having a bad day in the office in the first set – she’d whack the ball back with pace and JJ was just able to deaden it.
What I was saying to the French dude about court smarts – you really do see it – JJ has always had a good sense of building up points – but it’s very much more evident on clay.

Of course she was helped rather a lot by a LOT of UEs from Kaia in the first set. Personally I think the scary Estonia-flag face painted clowns put her off ! Man those fans were SCARY!
JJ was pretty workmanlike in the first set – and once over – I had to scuttle back to Lenglen to do a ticket swap…

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