Then we scooted back (finding another lift - mum's happy, 'cos it's like 80 steps up there!)... bit of shameless flirting on MY part with the fireman guarding the entrance, who kindly let us sneak in to 2 seats right at the top corner to watch a bit before being able to go back to our seats at the change of ends...
Rafa Never. Stops. Moving - seriously... the energy of the man!
Beck did really well actually - just single breaks in the first 2 sets and then the TB I think (I was off and queueing for Court 1 tickets by that point)...
I did try to capture the famous wedgie-move which is oh so much more funny to see in real life. Wonder if he knows that there's a Pharmacy somewhere in the grounds - bit of Prep H would clear his discomfort up NO end!

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