And also stumbled upon Alize Cornet in dubs action

before finally heading off to Court 11.
Wawrinka and Del Potro had been quite a tight tussle and we were wondering whether it was gonna be a 5-setter - but Stan got the job done in straight sets...

Then it was time for Marion ... BUT.... from where we were sitting we could see the scoreboards on the side of CC with it's results AND results for C1 ... where Novak was a set down as was Puppy.
Now.. I consider myself hardened to the art of Live-Scoring (and believe me people, it is an art.... to watch, and wish while appearing to be calm, cool and collected...)
Was sat next to a couple who were all giddy with Ana-ness and were bemused at my occasional mutterings of Allez Nathalie and the equally vehement take down the puppy... so I had to explain the whole puppy thing to them and mum...
Thankfully they got bored of watching Marion berate herself when she was losing points AND winning points, bizarrely... and Marion did get her (sizeable) knickers in a twist over a dubious call...much gallic shrugging and gesticulating...

By now the match scores on the side of Centre were captivating everyone... although I did notice that Marion has changed her service action (again) to something a little less floppy-hoppy-bunny-ish and a little more standard...
Marion is a real enigma to watch actually... she has good court coverage and man she comes up with some crazy angles!!!
She did pretty well and came through comfortably... but by now Nole was on his way out, and the roar from CC came over clear and strong...
Meanwhile... in Puppyville... After Dechy lost the second, everyone was all...oh well, that's a brave challenge, so again - the buzz around the court as Dechy just kept coming back was amazing... I actually was praying to anything and everything, and got the nice lady sat next to mum joining in on the Hold and Break mantra but to no avail... pffft!
Oh yeah - and my free programme launched itself in a suicidal death plunge through the slats in the stands... no firemen for Rozzie to flirt with today, just one rotund curmudgeonly Hon Steward and a scatty female Hon Steward... so I opted to grovel to her to ask if it could be retrieved. When she'd stopped splitting her sides laughing, she kindly obliged!!
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