I know it sounds like a wussy thing – but it was the most refreshing thing …. Especially as my apple segments from the provisions shopping the night before tasted like sold cider… bleah!
We chilled for a bit and caught the first set of Kim vs MaKiri – which seemed to be going quite quick…. We decided to head off to queue for Court 12 as Bartoli was finishing up her match…
I don’t know if she’d been doing it all the while but when we arrived she’d been sending her serves into the net – so she started “shadow” serving before lining up to serve again.
The first couple of times I thought “fair enough – you’re DFing or netting your first serves” but she did them ALL the time once we were there :rolleyes: - this is obviously the new “thing” to replace the Wimbledon Bunny hop of her breakout run!

Anyway – she managed to dispatch Arn without too much trouble – but a little later on when we were sat up by the hill again – we saw Papa Bartoli, Marion and who I can assume was Madame Bartoli all linked arm in arm walking.
Except it’s fair to say they were more frog-marching her down the path.
It was weird – not like a typical father, daughter, mother, Little-House-on-the-Prairie gambol along the path – but like she was some kind of prisoner.
Cilla thought her eyes looked all spacey… and also – it’s kinda CROWDED in Wimbledon. Normally players walk on their own, with a coach (in conversation) or with guards in tow. So not only did this look weird… they kinda brought extra attention to themselves by taking up so much space on the path.
Weird. Family!
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