The lights go down and this was described by New Balls Please as a funked up Bond-like theme – and it so is.... there is a laser trace show going on around the court lines and it lasts a fair old while before it finally gets to a count down and they bring the players out... they actually have to do the whole shaky-handy thing in the dark, all silhouetted and the atmosphere is pretty amazing.

The French crowd went doolally over Gael – obvs! Drummers in the crowd – meanwhile I was having total camera exposure woes as it’s not good form to have flashes going off indoors.

I finally settled on a sports exposure that includes the rapid fire and of course no flash!
Bit of a error strewn start from both players to start off with but Monfils was the one to settle down with the first break. And at that point we decided to break for lunch!
We decided to have lunch at the lower levels of Bercy which was quite nice and we left at quite a good time – could get a table and just stretch out a bit ‘cos the seats aren’t that comfy in the stadium.
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