This time last year, we woke to grey clouds and queued in the spitting rain, and then proceeded to get completely drenched all day. Tennis in the rain in ANY country is a pretty demoralising experience, but we had chatted on and off to a number of people, which whiled away the day.
We awoke to clear blue skies but sporadic cloudiness chased us around all day - and when they did the place was f-f-f-f-freezing!!! Next time, extra fleece! That being said, when the sun broke through the clouds it was glorious! Tickets to Lenglen in hand, and by now old hands to the whole scan and voucher malarky, off we went.
But today's trek was already not without incident. Half way round the free-for-all, which passes for the roundabout around L'Arc de Triomphe, I realised that I'd left my camera in the suitcase back at the hotel! Cue a burst of earthy Anglo-Saxon and a realisation that I would have to make do with a combination of the iPhone and/or Blackberry cameras for today.
We were treated to more incidents when some random old biddy kicked the bus to stop it in the middle of a road and then proceeded to have a go at the driver. He had a go back and then decided to stop the bus before its end destination - luckily for us he decided to terminate the service at Porte d'Auteil ... The stop for RG.
A quick familiarisation session in how to take photos using the iPhone and we'd just arrived as the guys were warming up ...
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