Day 4 saw us with allocated return tickets – I’d half looked at the allocation when I’d booked, but when I saw that it was actually… Row C – well thought it would be quite close to the action…
However – after a spot of lunch (we’re gradually working our way round the Food Village!) we tootled off to Court 19.
It was Gallovits/Govortsova vs two American girls – one of whom really fancied herself as a bit of a Serena in the ‘tood department – but actually came across as a complete High School Musical Bolshy Extra!
Anyway – I only mention this precursor to some Stretch and Beastie action as Govortsova is partnering Maxie-boy in the Mixed, and she was by far the weaker of the two and I fear Max will be out first round as she played an absolute shocker.
I actually have tons more photos than the ones I've posted 'cos initially I was using the Flikr freebie limits - but in the end I paid up so I could have more sets etc... so over the weekend I'm gonna go back and add all the ones that didn't make it in and round them up!
Anyhoo – the court was packed for Jamie and Max – as well as folks standing all along the back AND across the little walkway bridge …
The guys arrived – oh my word the hair – ok not too bad, but the headband. Seriously Jamie honey – love ya ‘n’ all, but OH NO.

Bit o’practice hitting and then we were off, nip and tuck all the way – interestingly enough – there was a stark difference in the teams – I can’t remember who Santoro used to be paired with but it was fairly clear that he and Marc Giquel were not a regular pairing as quite often they’d be both back peddling for the same ball – no hand signals etc.

But – some excellent play and no real areas of weakness on the serves in the opening set – and we found ourselves at a tie break real quick.
Jamie and Max were pretty solid and took it comfortably…

2nd set – seemed to be a different matter – I think Jamie lost his serve right at the start, putting he and Max on the back foot straight away.
This set was a bit more of a nail biter – Jamie looked the more vulnerable of the two, but that being said – there was an AWESOME rally – basically between Jamie and Fabrice for about 10 shots before finally Jamie sent over a topspin forehand which Fabrice netted.
Jamie and Max also seemed to have a couple of set piece moves which were really effective two – and boy – Jamie’s reactions at the net are amazing. Really exciting to watch.
So – they struggled up to another TB but really struggled early on – at 1-4 down I was beginning to fear the beginning of the worst but oh my GOD what a turn around… they clawed back and when they took it – Jamie was sooo pumped up…
These guys are definitely gelling as a team – Max often giving Jamie a friendly tap on the back after some particularly good shot making…
Max was pretty adept at calling wide shots …
It really makes such a difference seeing them working – and I can believe that if at first Jamie felt a little intimidated by Max, the balance is shifting and they’re finding a more equal footing. It was great to watch and well worth sticking out for 2 sets…
I wish I could have stayed for the 3rd, but I’d already missed all of Venus’ match with Anne Keothavong and was in danger of missing Andy’s altogether…
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