Anyway… back to the local Darby & Joans… a couple of them were pretty infirm and as I got back to the entrance I was stuck behind one old guy having a lot of difficulty and he was being helped up the stairs. Obviously it’s not good form to go rushing past, but by the time he got up there – they were about to start play so he was made to sit down at the first available seat (and being very deaf he proceeded to shout at the Service-woman that it wasn’t his seat) but what was worse was… all of those of us behind him were sent back OUT of the court and had to stand in the entrance again until the next C of Es. I was not best pleased, and… omg… the ump for Andy’s match (Carlos Ramos) saw my predicament and smiled at me (yes yes… shameless Rozzie flies again) and asked the soldier to let me come and watch on the monitor behind the entrance. But my flirting powers failed with solja-boy who pointed out that plenty of other people were waiting) so I thanked him for trying, agreed it wouldn’t be fair, and feeling noble but peeved, I took myself off to the facilities!!!
Came back just in time to be let back in for the final top seed upset:
(and to have ump tell me jokingly “well you’ve come back for the best match with the best umpire, right?” and swapped places with my mum after she’d been elbowed about – so flirty Rozzie (with the guys behind) gave way to feisty Ros!

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