By now Cat was texting me that Jamie and Liezel had been switched to Court 19, so when Andy got broken at the start of the 2nd, I turned tail and headed out to 19.
This time I ended up a couple of people away from Cat herself, who snuck in and sat on the steps so for some of the match – she was my co-blogger as she had a WAY better chance of photies than I did – through the metal bars of the stand, it looked like I was looking out through prison bars (prolly for crimes against flirting! )
We were wittering a bit to each other and we soon came to the conclusion that what Jamie needs is a woman to boss him about – he was a lot more bouncy-tigger-like and relaxed out there… and though there were occasional hand signals between them it was more conferencing behind fluffy balls (as it were!)
As Cat mentioned – there was an odd little exhange between Dimmy (about to serve, I think( and Liezel) where was saying “don’t stand there – you’ll get hit) and Liezel just snapped back “I always stand here”… there were also a fair few body shots pinging away – and yeah I remembered back to Nadia socking Liezel in the neck last year! Hmm – no love lost there then!
That’s not to say that Jamie and Liezel didn’t have the occasional smile and giggle – they both clashed racquets at one stage and were giggling a bit…
They took the first set really comfortably, and I think they got broken early )on Jamie’s serve) in the 2nd and then broke back. At that stage I thought I really ought to get back – just in case Andy ended up going out…

Cat ended up texting me the result – but not for the longest time – earlier she’d wondered whether she’d jinxed all her faves and for a time I feared the worst, and then got a “9-7 woop” message back!
So glad … but… back to Murray Minor….
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