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Wimbledon 2009 Day 6: Roddick v Melzer

By this time I was ravenous, but feeling pretty dehydrated having downed the water and 7-up (flat from the other day, ugh!) that was in my bag - and other courts must have tipped out because EVERYWHERE was heaving...
Pizza and more drink and I thought a quick stroll to the ice cream parlour to ease my itchy throat... and then I saw the queue!

What I'd forgotten about the evening-before Internet tickets is that they are up in the gods, totally covered (so time to put the Oakleys away) and up about 5 flights of stairs!!!

Anyway - I headed up - Roddick had taken the first set... and no word of a lie - his BIGGEST fan was sat just up and along from us screeching at every available opportunity "GO ON RODDY-BOY"... ok the first couple of times, mildly amusing.
At every point one... really? Really???

This wasn't a bad match by Roddicky standards.... obviously people just wanted him done and dusted so we could get the REAL Andy ( :angel: ) so when the new fitter Andy dropped the 3rd set as he seems to do these days, the natives were getting restless! But... Jurgen had his predicatable "Melz"-down in the 4th... and apparently by now I was getting texts from a couple of friends incl. Cilla saying that the roof may be coming over... not that I could even SEE the damn roof... but hey ho!

For my part - I tried one more time for the ice-cream parlour during the 3rd set and the queue was still so long i gave up and had a bog-standard tub instead... really not feeling great by now...

I had noticed when I stepped out that there were some ominous looking clouds... but it was still horribly humid out there... and still strangely VERY humid up in the stands...

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