The general feeling was that people thought this was going to be a tricky affair for Fed - tight sets and coming down to the TB...
Ummm.... not really so!

Warm up done... we settled down to see what this match would be.
Ummmm..... dull as dishwater was what it was!
For me anyway - Karlovic was a total disappointment. The facets (such as they are) of his game that had gotten him this far had totally deserted him... pushing volleys out... netting backhands/forehands.. well ANY kind of hand really.
As meh as I can be over Fed - he basically went out there to practice his serve game today... and it was actually a bit of a welcome surprise when he broke Karlovic.. at least we'd probably see the first set go quickly (and as it happened... the 2nd & 3rd).
I tried to get a bit of shut-eye actually 'cos it had been a late night and an early start... but the guy next to me kept nudging me saying "oooh are you dropping off, haha"? Answer... (should have been)... YES dude, quit digging me in the ribs!

Some titchy pics for Tashi...

Thankfully - Fed despatched Dr Ivo nice and sharply... phew... I was staying put... MUZZ!!!!
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