But... BIG treat - nice and close and the FIRST time I'd seen Beth play! Actually come to think of it it was the first time I'd seen Mike Bryan, but seeing as he's a twin, I figured when you've seen one Bryan, you've seen 'em all :devil: !!

Was sat next to a couple of American women who were saying that Mike had looked sluggish all match, and that the Bryan's had been suffering with no air-con where they were saying (followed by them kvetching about why apartments had no air-con... ummm... well... cos we don't have heatwaves all that often!)
but they reckoned that Mike was maybe trying to conserve energy for the main dubs as he and Bob were still in.

Again some issues on Jamie's serving - hardly any first serves in but 2nd ones were good, hard and central and sitting up awkwardly for Mike and Beth...
His service games were a lot stronger than I'd seen of late...
Liezel had to have a 10 minute timeout after suffering from the heat - but boy she was game... she did look like she was feeling fairly poorly but she hung in there...
and she was still all fist-pumpy on the good shots.

It's actually a real treat to see dubs specialists playing - sharp rallies, great reflexes at the net - Beth is pretty awesome to watch actually. Next year I'm going to try and catch her in proper dubs (with Mirza?) if possible...

Jamie to serve out for the match... and although first serves again were iffy - I have to say he held onto his serve well and served it out with a lot more confidence that I'd seen in the other two matches. Of course it helped that it was in broad daylight this time and not by instinct and sound!!

I had ANOTHER JJ moment, where both Jamie, and then Liezel walked right past me and this time i had warm evian instead of warm 7-up... but no WARM CAMERA!!!!
Note to self... swap those pockets over next year!
To finish off (after some ice-cream and a long-overdue lunch) we headed up to the hill... it was packed with loads of people watching the coverage of the Hewitt/Roddick match. Between a mate from Florida, and one from Australia texting me ... it was quite the experience. I would say... I'm glad I've done the hill... the crowd seemed to be overwhelmingly for Hewitt - he's definitely a great people's favourite... BUT it is damn uncomfortable sitting on the hill. If it's not people standing by the tables, blocking the seats, the banks of the hill itself are really steep... so bags, caps, flip flops, empty cartons/glasses all comes rolling down where people have left them and the busier it gets the less chance you have to stretch out a bit ...
Like I said - I'm glad I've experienced it for a big match but I made up my mind that if I didn't get tickets for the men's semi :bigcry: I sure as hell wouldn't be spending £20 + all the extras to sit on the hill and watch.
And so... ends Rozzie's 2009 Wimbledon Blog.
5 days.. some AWESOME matches... and a sun-tan to boot!
Pity the credit card has melted!
Until next year... :wavey:
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